Cuidate - 2022

Cuídate / Take care of yourself centers the work of local artists as we proceed through the cycle of hardship, recovery and self-reflection that has transpired over the last two years. Inspired by the aphorism used as a light-hearted farewell, this saying takes on new meaning post-pandemic as many of us have reassessed our forms (or lack thereof) self-care.

The exhibit celebrates the work of over 35 local artists from the Southeast Los Angeles region and surrounding cities.

Nos Vemos - 2021

I was awarded a Metro Arts grant where I lead community photo walks and photography challenges. Article Link

Art Talk - 2021

Assemblymember Anthony Rendon hosted a community art talk where I was a panelist and discussed photography topics.
Article Link - Video Link

Unidos - 2021

Art exhibition highlighting stories of adversity, growth and healing from the past year.

Living Room - 2020

A virtual gallery by Open Walls

GeoFictions LA - 2020

A virtual gallery by Open Walls

Human - 2020

A virtual gallery by Stay Gallery

SELA Arts Festival
LA at the River
- 2019

An art festival that takes place down in the LA River.